Medical Forms and Health Regulations

Medications at School

Medication cannot be administered to any student without appropriate authorization forms completed and on file. Any medication must be provided in a new, sealed container with the completed authorization form. Students may NOT transport medication to and from school. Any medication not meeting the PWCS regulations will not be administered to your student.

In accordance with the Code of Virginia 22.1-274.2 and § 8.01-226.5:1, students diagnosed with asthma or anaphylactic reaction may possess and self administer certain inhaled asthma medications, self-injected epinephrine, or other emergency medication, with the appropriate authorization form on file.

Medical Authorization Forms
Management of Allergic Reactions in the School Setting

(Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plans must be submitted annually at the beginning of each school/SACC year dated after May 1, and whenever modifications are made to this plan.)

Management of Diabetes in the School Setting
Other Medical Forms

Medication Permission Form for Extended Day/Overnight Field Trips (PDF)

The following health forms are required for enrolling a student in Prince William County Public Schools.

Health Regulations

Fact Sheets and Other Resources


Contact Poison control right away if you suspect a poisoning.
online at Poison Control or by phone at 1-800-222-1222.

Need help identifying a pill?

Mixed up your meds? Found a loose pill? Worried that your refill looks different? Fortunately, most medications can be identified from the letters and numbers imprinted on the pill.

Pill Identifier