Advisory Council

Philip Michael Pennington School Advisory Council


Under the philosophy of site-based management in Prince William County Public Schools, the Pennington Advisory Council will represent and assess the needs of the community and staff. The Advisory Council will help develop the School Plan and ensure that it reflects the vision and mission of Pennington. The Advisory Council will act as an advisor to the school administration on the implementation, evaluation, and modification of the School Plan as well as on the budget. The Pennington Advisory Council will identify concerns, obtain community and staff feedback, and support the goals of the educational system.


The Pennington Advisory Council will meet once a month from August through May, except November. All meetings will be held from 6:30 PM until 7:30 PM, or longer, if necessary. The meetings will typically be held virtually on the second Wednesday of each month on Zoom, but are subject to change based on weather and scheduled days off. The Pennington Advisory Council Meetings are open to all Pennington parents, staff, and community members.

Open Chair

A period of time at the beginning of each Advisory Council Meeting will be designated as open chair time. Any parent, staff member, or member of the community may address the Advisory Council. A person's time is limited to no more than 3 minutes. Time may be extended at the discretion of the Chairperson. It is requested that if a person would like to address the Advisory Council with questions or concerns, that they sign the Open Chair sign-up sheet before the Advisory meeting is called to order. The Open Chair sign-up sheet will be located in the school office. Before each Advisory Council meeting, the sign-up sheet will be moved to the meeting room. Anyone interested in addressing their questions or concerns will be requested to sign up for the Open Chair time.

A response to issues, questions, and/or concerns raised during Open Chair may be given in two (2) ways:

1. Provide a written statement or contact the person(s) prior to the next meeting; or

2. Provide an answer at the next Advisory Council Meeting. 

Advisory Council Chair - Mrs. Moore [email protected]